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GSO Test

Absence Reporting

Reporting absence or lateness

The school requires parents to make contact on the morning of each days absence, this should be before 9:30am.

You can make contact by calling the school office 01243 672208 upon answer you should select option 1 to report an absence

Parents and carers are asked give a specific reason for their child's absence ie., tummy bug, cough, cold etc.

Information in relation to a specific illness diagnosed by the GP should also be provided to the school. 

First Day Absence Check

The onus of notification of an absence is with the parent/carer, however the school endeavours to operate a first-day absence check, whereby if a pupil is absent without the school's prior knowledge, the school will contact the parent/carer to check the reason for absence. If you receive a text message, please reply by phoning the school.  The school office may make contact via Dojo - please reply directly back to the School office (as well as the class teacher, if you wish).

By operating this system the school is aiming to ensure that pupils who have left home arrive safely in school.

To facilitate this process we ask you to contact the school every morning your child is absent before 9:30am.