Welcome to East Wittering School
Admissions to our school are the responsibility of the Local Education Authority and applications must be made through their office at:
Education Office (South)
Pupil Admissions Office
Centenary House
Durrington Lane
West Sussex
BN13 2QB
Telephone: 033 301 42903
Website: Admissions
Under the Education Act parents can express a preference for any school including those located beyond their designated area. For its part the LEA is required by law to make every effort to meet this parental preference where it is at all possible. Parents do not however have a right to choose a school other than state a preference for a particular establishment. Further information about how places are allocated in schools within the County, is contained in the Authority's information for Parents booklet, which is available from the school office or the LEA at the above address.
We fully appreciate that the above process can be quite daunting particularly for parents seeking a school for their first child. Like you, we want the best for your child and we suggest that you visit the school before making your decision in writing. Please remember that we are only a telephone call away and Mrs L Ruff in the school office is available to make appointments to see the Headteacher.
Telephone: 01243 672208