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Mental Health and Wellbeing

At East Wittering CP School, we recognise the importance of having open and honest conversations about mental health.  Positive mental health and well-being is important for our pupils to lead happy, successful and productive lives.  We want our pupils to have a voice; to help improve the wellbeing of their peers. 

This term we have been working with Thought-full (Mental Health Support in Schools Team, West Sussex County Council) to provide emotional, health and wellbeing support for our children.  As part of our whole school approach to mental health, we worked with Thought-full to train some of our Year 6 pupils as Mental health Ambassadors. 

Meet our Mental Health Practitioners



Our Ambassadors help lead and promote wellbeing across the school. They aim to remove the stigma around talking about mental health, challenging feelings and encouraging others to talk.  They will provide feedback on what's working well and help to highlight any gaps.  Their role will also include:

  • Signposting children to support
  • Helping to remove the stigma of mental health by talking about it
  • Promoting positive mental health
  • Having regular contact with a member of the leadership team to support their wellbeing

We have been really pleased with how seriously they have taken on this responsibility.  Following their initial training, they led a whole school assembly introducing themselves to the school community, and have created posters which they have put up around the school.  They  asked if they could create a wellbeing area, somewhere where they will be available to support pupils if needed.  We went out shopping and have bought things to make the area more inviting.

They have also asked if they can have t-shirts so they are easily recognizable to children on the playground.  These are currently being printed and will be available to them soon.

We are really excited by this role and are very much looking forward to working with the Ambassadors in developing their role, and being a positive voice for change.