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Being online is something which many children are now involved in, whether that be playing on- line games, searching the internet, or using social media.  As a school, we have two important responsibilities: to ensure our online procedures in school keep children safe; and to teach children about online safety, both in and out of school.  

We recognise the many benefits of allowing children to be online, it opens up a whole world of information that they may otherwise not have access to.  At the same time, it can expose them to risks.  

Children learn about the risks of being online through our RSHE curriculum, full details are available on the curriculum pages.  We also dedicate a week each year to discuss e-safety and ways in which children can help to keep themselves safe online.  This also includes who they can speak to if they are worried.

There are a number of websites available to parents and carers if you are wanting to learn more about how to keep your child safe online, and where to go for further advice and support:


Our E-Safety Policy can be viewed by clicking this link:
